Choose to encounter peace on your unique life and end-of-life journey.


Hello and welcome. I’m Malia, an end-of-life doula (a.k.a death doula) based in Nashville, TN, offering compassion-led holistic end-of-life and post-death support and guidance.

I truly believe that in our lives (and in our deaths) we have the honor of encountering peace if we strengthen our courage and create the space to do so.

Whatever it is that brought you here, I would love to meet you and connect with you. Please schedule a 30-minute Zoom call with me to chat about death, and doula services, ask questions you have, or simply introduce yourself as a friend in this work.

Peace Encountered Services

End-of-Life Supports

Holistic supports for those at the end of life and their loved ones to help foster a peaceful and meaningful transition.

Post-Death Guidance

Compassionate guidance and support after a loved one's passing to honor and celebrate their life and wrap up affairs.

Death Anxiety & Death Meditation

Guidance and meditations to help ease anxiety around the complexities of death.