If you are seeking support, whether it be planning for your death, facing death anxiety, or working to find peace during the end-of-life of someone you love, you are in the right place.

I am here to support you, to be present for you, and to connect you with resources that will serve you best.

The Peace Encountered Mission: To empower and support those facing death to encounter peace on their unique life and end-of-life journey.

About Malia Marcella

A Note from Malia -

Hello and welcome. I’m Malia. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being here.

I have had the honor of serving Nashville in the nonprofit sector for over six years. In 2023, I began my end-of-life doula training with Going with Grace and am now certified and National End-of-Life Doula Alliance (NEDA) proficient.

As I’ve journeyed through this life I’ve found so much beauty and meaning when I’ve been met with death, which is perhaps how I found myself here. The truth is that facing death and helping others face it as well pushes me to live my life to its fullest. The work has increased my capacity for life, love, and peace, and I am extremely honored to walk this path alongside those I serve.

Peace Encountered comes from my authentic love of life and the acknowledgment that every transition (especially our final transition) can be met with grace and covered in peace.

As questions come up about the end-of-life, please do not hesitate to reach out. I ultimately do this work to serve and support YOU.